Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Boxes

So, I come from a family of recyclers.  Saving bread ties, saving pop tops, to creating things from nothing.  We sew, we cook, we create.  Now I never caught on to the sewing thing, but I can honestly say within my immediate family, we all know how to cook.  I think what inspired us the most was my Mom's ability to make something out of nothing.  And from there we all just tagged along.  You really do not know how great a cook is, until you visit other peoples homes.  Or at least that is how I felt when I was growing up. 

So for my recycling project, and my huge outcry from my last blog.  I decided to make boxes.  Now this is not an original idea, as my Aunt VeeVee, has been making them forever.  Mostly for handmade jewellery, etc.  But nevertheless, with my pages and pages of salvaged books.  I sent her an email, asking her how she made them.  And before long there was an answer in my email, telling me how she made them, and before long I was caught up in the fury of making them.  One better than the was magnificent.  With these boxes I plan to use them as cookie boxes for Valentines Day...let me know what you think?!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Snowy Cold January

Hmmph!  I have noticed that I am not great at this blogging stuff.  But I do have an excuse, I have been very sick with Strep Throat.  Word to the wise here, go when you first feel the discomfort, not like me, and two days later, and pretty much unable to swallow.  "ah" in surprise the Doctor said, when she peered down my throat.  "if it was both sides" she said "i would have hospitalized you".  I squeaked an "ah" myself.  So medication in hand (horse pills), at 500g a pill, I am hoping I will be better soon.  I cannot really talk, but my pantomime skills are coming along swimmingly.  Funny but not really.  So enough about me and illness, and onto what I really want to talk about.

I, from an early age have always loved books!  To read, to hold, to admire.  Turning the first page of a newly purchased book (to me), is just a delicious experience.  Sooo, when I went down to our Condo's Library I was shocked when I saw a stack of books with a "For Garbage" on it, my heart started thumping.  And the following questions came to mind:
  • What?
  • Why?
  • Who decided?
I looked through the stack frantically, wanting to grab all of them and save them, but knowing wholeheartedly that my husband would kill me (not really kill, but disapprove).  So using my logical mind, I sifted through, the books, a lot of them were romance novels, covers half torn, and pages well dogeared.  Romance novels were my absolute favourite when I was in my early teens.  My sister (older by 10 years) used to drop them off by the boxload when I was younger, and I would spend weeks careening through them, a distressed Viking princess, who though always captured, managed to woo the savage enemy man (often named Thor, or Olaf) into her bosom.

 Anyway, I digress with memories of those long ago days and should get back to my rescue mission.  Not wanting any of the paperbacks, I rescued, art books (one was even my own I had left there), and carted them all back to my place.  "What treasures!" my mind screamed.  I sat down and began to flip through them, illustrations, artwork, all jumped to my eyes.  I never get tired of looking at old illustrative works, and of course the greats of Matisse, Picasso...etc..  I discovered why they were being tossed, one of them was thoroughly wrecked (I suspected red wine), the others bindings were breaking.  So I salvaged what I could, and patted myself on the back for saving all of these treasures.

Now what to do with them?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day One of My New Adventure

I have wanted to do this for awhile.  Blog about stuff and things.  Life as it happens.  I had wanted to launch my Blog on 1/11/11, but I got caught up in things and never did it.  So putting all procastination to the side, today is the day that I will do this.  I plan on blogging about things I have made, things that I think people should shout from the rafters "I Made This!".

So for now this is all I have to write...semi-proud that i have started, this voyage, and am excited about where this will lead me.

Have patience, patience is key when one is trying to create!